Maryland and Tennessee are working on new open government initiatives. The Maryland General Assembly started its first open government committee..
Tag Archives: transparency
In an effort to increase his office’s transparency, Governor Cuomo of New York launched a new transparency website today called..
South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard is looking to make government more transparent. At an event in Sioux Falls, South Dakota..
New Orleans and San Francisco are looking at ways to increase transparency. New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, announced yesterday that..
The California Assembly budget committee has voted against making Assembly budgets public. In a 6-5 vote, the Assembly decided not..
Illinois signed a new law on Friday that will make the state legislature less responsive to Freedom of Information Act..
State legislators in California and Colorado are considering measures that would increase government transparency. Lawmakers in Colorado are pushing two..
Oklahoma City is putting its performance data online. Residents will now be able to see how quickly the city is..
New York City and Pennsylvania are working to increase transparency by providing citizens with more information and new government websites...
Open data is moving forward in Canada. The provincial government in British Columbia launched its own open data portal on..
Wisconsin is working to increase its budget transparency with a new measure passed along with the budget. Under the terms..
Tweeting, texting, blogging and answering email are all activities that have become ubiquitous over the course of the day. However,..