An Accenture study shows the global market for electronic health records (EHR) is estimated to reach $22.3 billion with North..
Tag Archives: meaningful use
41% of U.S. consumers would be willing to switch physicians to gain online access to their own electronic medical records..
93% of doctors reported actively using electronic medical records (EMR) in an annual survey by Accenture. 3,700 physicians in eight..
Now that federal health care reform has survived a Supreme Court challenge, many health IT initiatives in the legislation are..
In light of a recent final ruling on what will be considered meaningful use in applying electronic health records (EHR)..
The US Department of Health and Human Service announced yesterday a final ruling on what will be considered meaningful in..
A powerful new entrant has found their way into the Health IT “meaningful use” conversation. Siemens Healthcare, a global leader..
With the administration ratcheting up their efforts to promote health reform, industry leaders and government technocrats are scrambling to keep pace with the finer points required as part of the Recovery Act.
To help parse out the difficult and sometimes confusing issues surrounding “meaningful use” Perot Systems’ executive vice president and chief medical officer, Dr. HarryGreenspun, will host a webinar this Thursday, July 23rd, at 2pm ET.