Tag Archives: ARRA
The United States Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a $4 million grant to the state of Kansas to support the reduction of diesel emissions.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has released further guidance on how recipients of stimulus funds must report to the federal government. Central to this updated document, are guidelines on how to define job creation and what technical data requirements must accompany reports due in October.
A report issued earlier today by Deloitte Consulting finds that innovative management, proper monitoring and the use of new technology tools can mitigate fraud and waste in the stimulus funds.
John Hummel, Chief Technology Offer for Perot Systems’ healthcare group, believes that by giving patients more control of their medical information and by enforcing stricter penalties for exposed data, a new trend in security will develop. Mr. Hummel sat down last week with CivSource to talk personal health records, information security and the industry’s next big thing.
Delaware Governor Jack Markell and Senators Tom Carper and Ted Kaufman were on hand Monday to announce funding for the Delaware Criminal Justice Council, (CJC) courtesy of the Recovery Act.
In the state of Colorado, Governor Bill Ritter and his Economic Recovery Team are working to make sure stimulus dollars are spent wisely and with full transparency. Some states are waiting for the technical specifications to be issued by the Office of Management and Budget. But Colorado is trying to be proactive.