The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has released, “Profiles of Progress 3: State Health IT Initiatives.” The..
Des Moines goes to Washington……Voting by Twitter?…St. Louis company gets the raised eyebrow…Louisiana legislators like tax cuts, maybe too much…NY..
Smart grids and Smart transport – All Aboard!…Sesame Street can only do so much for food safety…Paying to implement the..
A more open government could simply be the future of government. Despite technological obstacles, it would seem that government is, in fact, ready for transparency. Once a workable open initiative is implemented and in practice, government-wide, the real test will be to make sure it stays that way for generations and Recovery Acts to come.
Govs., Mayors, vendors are for jazzed for broadband funds…It’s (the new) Electric…Putting an end to illicit Internet drug buying…A bad..
Jumping the gun on border security…National Institute of Health: who wants a lolli?…Broadband here, broadband there, broadband everywhere…California IOUs, neat..
No guns for mentally disturbed…Chicanery, fraud and X-rated cable TV…The great economic stabilizer…Driving Ms. Margarita…More snow days for Denver city..
Dallas-based Tyler Technologies received accolades today for their eRecording solution from the New Mexico Technology Council. And they landed a..
SSA official has words for Govs…Florida computer in charge of jobless benefits to file for unemployment…Iowa politicos dig Twitter…Health and..
CGI’s Caroline Rapking wants to enable state and local government so they can focus on what matters most with the..
Stimulus booty comes home…Texas TIERS dries up…Washington State wants steroids to compete…Stimulus opinions abound online…Minn. has hacking target on its..
Foreign terrorists watchers of Fox’s 24 ?…Unemployment computers get a raise…States have renewed interest in renewables…Next Gen DMV system doesn’t..