ArticlesIn an interview with CivSource, Microsoft officials explained the design and functionality of Fusion Core Solution, including how the company is looking to encourage current users to expand and share the solution with other fusion centers.
Public safety and homeland security professionals have a new tool to fight today’s evolving physical and virtual security threats. Microsoft and ESRI launched Fusion Core Solution, a solution architecture to strengthen the ability of government agencies to prepare, assess, and respond to threats of national security as well as natural disasters.
The Virginia Department of Emergency Management hosted an event where Science Applications International Corp. demonstrated the capability of an information sharing project designed for emergency response organizations.
The state of Colorado is looking for information on an Integrated Court System Software Solution, according to the state Department of Personnel and Administration, Office of Administrative Courts and the State Personnel Board.
A host of experts and vendors descended upon Washington, D.C. this week as several House subcommittees sought opinions on how to deal with the emerging threat of breaches to our nation’s infrastructure systems. EDS was involved with one of many conversations this week about cyber threats to America’s infrastructure.
Delaware Governor Jack Markell and Senators Tom Carper and Ted Kaufman were on hand Monday to announce funding for the Delaware Criminal Justice Council, (CJC) courtesy of the Recovery Act.
One of the most difficult challenges facing national security officials at every level of government is identification. Although government agencies have struggled to fulfill common identification requirements for federal, state and local employees and contractors, a demonstration of common identification technologies was on display last week.
A breach in Virginia’s prescription database has put more state and local governments on alert concerning their sensitive information. Microsoft’s Kan Page wants to help mitigate those breaches by securing agency servers.