

New York tech office promotes policy wiki

In June of this year, New York State’s Office for Technology jumped into the arena of social media and Web 2.0 technologies with the launch of Empire 2.0. And last week, Deputy CIO of Enterprise Strategy & Governance Services for OFT, Rico Singleton, released a memo regarding Empire 2.0’s Wiki Policy page. “

In Triplicate: The Mile-High approach to transparency

In the state of Colorado, Governor Bill Ritter and his Economic Recovery Team are working to make sure stimulus dollars are spent wisely and with full transparency. Some states are waiting for the technical specifications to be issued by the Office of Management and Budget. But Colorado is trying to be proactive.

Lessons for growth in global recession

The Intelligent Community Forum held its annual awards ceremony and Broadband Economy Summit last week in New York City. A new Intelligent Community of the Year was chosen amid conversations about how cities can incubate local growth in a global recession.

Mapping among a host of issues facing broadband projects

A coalition of telecommunications consulting organizations are set to discuss the future of broadband mapping today. The LinkAMERICA Alliance will outline broadband mapping best practices during a presentation today as part of the National Association of State Chief Information Officers’ mid-year conference.