The California Department of Conserviation has launched a new public-facing website that will house it’s geospatial conservation data. Users to..
Rocky Mountain Power, a utility company that services areas throughout the West, has been awarded a Department of Energy grant..
A new energy task force in Nevada is considering legislation that would using microgrids to make local electrical grids greener..
Chicago is taking the sensor-based smart city concept one step further by launching its own “Array of Things”. The city..
San Francisco, California is the latest major city to require solar panels on new construction buildings. The move is significant..
The California Energy Commission is worried about how much energy all of those computers in residents homes and Silicon Valley’s..
WaterSmart, a provider of Water Utility software, has released a new feature specifically designed to help citizens understand their water..
A bipartisan group of governors from 17 states have signed a new accord focused on modernizing energy resources and energy..
New York’s Metropolitan Transit Authority will issue its first green bonds in a two-day event next week. The bonds are..
The city of San Jose, California has launched a new pilot for smart lighting in partnership with Philips. The pilot..
Atlanta will become one of the first major cities to launch a solar program through its municipal buildings. The program..
California is launching a new open data portal focused on sustainability. The Socrata backed portal is the latest entrant in..