As the national and global economic climate remains steeped in recession, more state governors may be looking to expand international ties. Alabama Governor Bob Riley has embarked on a thirteen-day, three-continent tour to attract new jobs and expand his state’s trade opportunities.
ArticlesDon Elliman was announced as Colorado COO by Governor Bill Ritter yesterday in a move that will solidify the state’s approach to economic recovery and development.
Once thought to be a major distraction to productivity and employee performance, social media is now being credited with keeping the employees engaged with their tasks.
New York Governor David Paterson unveiled a statewide economic strategy to capitalize on federal stimulus dollars Monday. The Governor’s plan looks to drive the New York economic recovery by tapping funds available to the fields of clean energy, environmental sustainability, technology and health care.
Delaware looks to make more contract information available to would-be vendors, California looks to zero in on vendors who have won state contracts.
Deloitte Consulting continues their survey of young professionals in the workforce with a look at “Generation Y” employees in state government. In particular, the latest survey compares Gen Y workers in government with their private sector counterparts. The survey finds that Gen Yers are motivated by factors beyond monetary gain and that state governments have a tremendous opportunity to tap eager Gen Y talent to make government more responsive, collaborative and efficient.
In the state of Colorado, Governor Bill Ritter and his Economic Recovery Team are working to make sure stimulus dollars are spent wisely and with full transparency. Some states are waiting for the technical specifications to be issued by the Office of Management and Budget. But Colorado is trying to be proactive.
Top government contractors are chomping at the bit to help recipients cash-in on the stimulus package. But now, some companies are going beyond their proprietary solutions and technology offerings to lure customers with low and flexible financing options.
A new OMB memo regarding administrative costs has been issued ahead of more substantive guidance due in June. But according to state and local officials, the price for transparency and accountability will be a complex number to figure.
New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli announced last week the release of property tax data that is intended to give taxpayers the ability to compare tax rate and levy data for their community.
This week Microsoft released Stimulus360, a solution designed to help public sector agencies track, measure and share information about stimulus-funded projects. Josh Rice, Director of Microsoft’s Public Sector Incubation Team, spoke to CivSource about Stimulus360, measuring the economic impact of the stimulus and the future of open government.