Recovery Act


In Triplicate: The Mile-High approach to transparency

In the state of Colorado, Governor Bill Ritter and his Economic Recovery Team are working to make sure stimulus dollars are spent wisely and with full transparency. Some states are waiting for the technical specifications to be issued by the Office of Management and Budget. But Colorado is trying to be proactive.

In Triplicate: Defining transparency at the federal level

A more open government could simply be the future of government. Despite technological obstacles, it would seem that government is, in fact, ready for transparency. Once a workable open initiative is implemented and in practice, government-wide, the real test will be to make sure it stays that way for generations and Recovery Acts to come.

Above the Fold 04.06.09

Governors fighting “fiscal child abuse”….Trouble brewin’ on the bayou…A watchdog named Chick…Iowa goes over the Rainbow…Michigan’s Hurricane Katrina…NY’s $2 billion..