Estes Park, Colorado will be getting municipal broadband. The Town Board unanimously approved a measure that will alter the city..
Search Results for: municipal broadband
One county and one town on the east coast are looking at the possibility of building out municipal broadband networks...
San Francisco, California is considering a municipal broadband network. Support for a city-backed network has grown among local municipal leaders..
Cable and telecom companies don’t like municipal broadband. The idea of municipal broadband has been under attack since the first..
Maine’s Redzone Wireless, a local broadband provider is putting $1 million behind a public/private partnership that will support local municipal..
San Francisco is considering a proposal that would provide gigabit internet service for all residents through a public-private partnership model...
Google Fiber is coming to Huntsville, Alabama but as part of a municipal broadband network and not as a standalone..
A handful of Republican Senators have written a letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) asking the agency to stop..
10 cities have announced partnerships with Calix to deploy municipal broadband networks. Two of those networks appear to be the..
Tennessee is putting its municipal broadband expansion bill on hold even after gaining support from the FCC. Earlier this year,..
After an extraordinarily long slog, the FCC voted in favor of passing strong net neutrality rules and in support of..
Municipal broadband advocates, and two municipalities in North Carolina and Tennessee, just got a boost from FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler...