TDS has launched gigabit internet service at pre-registered homes in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin only 140 days after TDS acquired Sun Prairie Utilities (SPU) fiber network. SPU was a municipal broadband network operating in Sun Prairie. Earlier this year, TDS announced plans to acquire the SPU assets associated with the operation, transport, delivery, and support of telecommunications services currently offered by the utility, including all customer agreements.
TDS Telecommunications Corporation is the seventh largest local exchange telephone company in the U.S. and has been working to expand its market share in cable and broadband. The company is headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin.
TDS and its contractors have been working to expand the former SPU fiber network since breaking ground in May. Neighborhoods within the expansion footprint had to meet a registration goal and deadline to guarantee a buildout. As of mid-September, 22 of the 24 residential Sun Prairie neighborhoods had met threshold—all residents can still receive special offers if they register before their neighborhood launches.
Sun Prairie is home to more than 31,000 people. It’s also one of the fastest growing retail areas in Wisconsin. TDS made a significant capital investment in the Sun Prairie network in order to standardize the assets acquired from SPU. In addition, the company is planning to offer gigabit service to future business developments in the hopes of improving economic development in the area.
TDS will provide residential customers internet speeds up to 1 Gigabit per second (Gbps/Gig) on a 100 percent fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) network. TDS also provides its own TV and phone service.
“It’s almost hard to believe what a difference a fiber connection makes until you see it,” said Jim Butman, chief operating officer at TDS.