New York Power Authority Picks GE Power For Software Upgrades


The New York Power Authority has awarded GE Power a new contract to upgrade its enterprise software. NYPA is the first US power provider to sign such an enterprise-wide digital transformation agreement with GE Power.

NYPA is working through a 5-year strategic plan aimed at modernizing and improving reliability of its 16 facilities. The collaboration with GE Power will focus on improving system-wide performance and operating costs of NYPA’s hydroelectric and gas-based electricity generation capability, while at the same time reducing carbon emissions. NYPA’s hydropower plants and low-emitting natural gas plants are typically responsible for 15 to 20 percent of the state’s daily electricity output.

GE will provide Asset Performance Management (APM) software. The software leverages data analytics to monitor power generation and transmission equipment health in order to predict potential failures and thereby reduce unplanned downtime, lower maintenance costs and lower operational risks.

GE’s software is running on the Predix operating system for the industrial internet.

GE was selected to provide the software for NYPA’s Smart Operations Center through a competitive bid process. The Smart Operations Center is expected to begin operations in December 2016.

As part of its modernization plan, NYPA will also be connecting energy-producing machines, such as gas and hydro turbines via sensors to analytics software to improve monitoring. The NYPA runs some 600 energy-producing machines across its 16 facilities. In all, NYPA expects to spend approximately $1.1 billion completing its 5-year plan.