COPsync Adds Class C Warrants to Network


COPsync, a provider of real-time police communications has added $10 million in Class C warrant information to its database. The warrants are from the state of Texas. Class C warrants typically involve outstanding traffic tickets or other small infractions that haven’t been paid.

Approximately 9% of the warrants in the WARRANTsync database have been “hit” by an officer running a driver’s license or name/date of birth query in COPsync. When the “hit” occurs, the officer is prompted with the “Warrant Found” window, which currently allows the officer to print a roadside warning notice provided to the offender.

COPSync information is available to law enforcement nationwide. The service provides an in-car communication system that allows police officers to share criminal data as well as location and other information. When law enforcement interacts with an individual COPSync provides records from other parts of the criminal justice system such as warrants so that police can understand the background of someone they have stopped. The Network’s companion, COPsync911 threat alert system, enables schools, courts, hospitals, government buildings, energy, telecommunications and other potentially at-risk facilities to automatically and silently send threat alerts directly to local law enforcement officers in their patrol cars in the event of a crisis.

COPSync is the nation’s largest in-car information sharing system.

Read our previous interview with COPSync CEO Ronald Woessner.