San Rafael Police Department Launches Crime Mapping


The San Rafael Police Department has partnered with BAIR Analytics to launch a crime mapping effort through RAIDS Online. RAIDS allows users to search by address as well as by type of crime to find out more about the criminal activity in their area.

RAIDS will be offered free to the police department as a technology platform for crime mapping.

The system syncs with SRPD’s crime records system to automatically upload crime information and keep it updated on the map. In addition to a map of crime, RAIDS Online allows citizens to sign up for email
reports of recent crime activity. The reports list each crime within a certain distance from the user’s address for the past day or week.

As CivSource reported earlier this year, LexisNexis has been on a bit of an acquisition spree within the public safety space. BAIR Analytics, which operates RAIDS, was one such deal. At the time of the acquisition in January, BAIR maintained a client roster that included nearly half of all public safety departments in the US.

In August of last year, LexisNexis acquired –PoliceReports.US and Coplogic. Both companies added to LexisNexis’ public safety and risk platforms, bringing features that include online distribution of vehicle accident reports, analytics, mobile capabilities and incident reporting.