Ohio schools have a new grant award to compete for – the Straight A Fund provides state grant money for school programs based on outcomes. Local schools will be able to compete for the fund which has $250 million to award, provided they can show that the programs will be able to continue even after state funding runs out.
According to the Columbus Dispatch, Governor Kasich wanted the program to focus on outcomes, and more targeted funding for schools. In an interesting twist, applicants must be able to show how programs will improve student achievement and/or decrease spending.
The state is imposing no limitations on what goes into the proposals and all types of schools – public, charter, or vocational schools can all apply. School officials expect to see proposals that lean heavily on technology upgrades.
Ohio schools recently announced a focus on achieving full third grade literacy for students in the state. Presumably, some proposals will focus on that literacy goal, provided the program will be self-sustaining after the award is used.
Money for the grant fund will come from a state budget item and lottery funds. According to the article, a nine-person governing board will decide on the applications. The governing board held its first meeting yesterday.