Wisconsin Sherriffs upgrade IT

The Sherriff’s office in Dodge County, Wisconsin is upgrading its IT systems through a partnership with New World Systems. Law enforcement in Dodge County will soon be operating on the Aegis Public Safety solution. The announcement is the latest win for the company which recently announced another win with the City of East Lansing, Michigan for its public administration product, Logos.

The Sheriff’s Office will use New World’s Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) software with advanced mapping capabilities to provide fast and accurate dispatch services for Dodge County agencies. The Sherriff’s office is also updating its records management and mobile computing software with the company in order to support data sharing and interoperability with other county offices. A seamless interface will also allow the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office to submit information through the Wisconsin Justice Information Sharing (WIJIS), bringing the state closer to statewide information sharing.

For the East Lansing work, New World is providing integrated Logos.NET Financial Management, Payroll and Human Resources, Utility Management, Community Development and eSuite software. The technology behind the browser-based software will ensure information flows freely between departments and improve reporting and analysis, helping the City accomplish more in less time and make more informed financial decisions.

New World’s products build on a growing trend in state and local offices to allow cross-jurisdictional collaboration between cities and counties, and in some cases other states. CivSource has been following the trend in the Big IT space, the larger vendors such as IBM are working actively through several product lines to provide interoperability and full scale shared services solutions. The model is also supported by systems integrators like Accenture which have invested in significant shared services and service oriented architecture education projects for state and local IT shops.

More state and local officials are getting on board with these models as costs continue to increase around legacy systems and overall service demand. Interoperability tends to be the base level goal, while full shared services often take a significantly greater amount of time and change management to implement.

“New World offered us the best configurable, multi-jurisdictional software to meet the needs of the Sheriff’s Office and our County agencies,” said Lieutenant Ninmann. “Their integrated solutions will help us achieve our goals of consolidating public safety records and ensuring all agencies have access to important criminal and safety information. New World also offered us the most company stability of any vendor we evaluated. It’s very important to know our software will continue to be supported for the next 10 years or more.”