Maryland picks CSC for health care upgrade

Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) has been selected by the state of Maryland to replace the state’s Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS). The company will also serve as a fiscal agent for selected Department of Health and Mental Hygiene programs. The five year contract is valued at $297 million.

Under the terms of the agreement, CSC will develop and implement a new enterprise MMIS solution for healthcare administration. CSC has partnered with CNSI, to develop this solution, which will be aligned with CMS’ Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) framework.

The upgrade will bring the state in line with federal health care reform requirements and serve as the basis for a broader IT platform for state health care services.

“We commend the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene on its decision to work with CSC as it continues to make strides in updating technology that not only helps the department meet federal healthcare reform requirements, but also makes it easier for physicians to receive payment for the services they provide Medicaid recipients,” said Gene Ransom, CEO of the Maryland State Medical Society, MedChi.