Work on a new telehealth focused broadband network in New York is going forward. The network will link 48 medical facilities in eight counties upstate in order to provide broader access to telehealth in less populated areas of New York. The network is expected to run over 239 miles through the Adirondack region.
ACTION or the Adirondack-Champlain Telemedicine Information Network is a $9.8 million project designed to provide greater ability to transfer medical information throughout health care providers. Telehealth allows doctors and patients to use interactive applications and audiovisual tools to provide health care to patients over long distances.
The network will also contribute to the use of electronic medical records throughout the Adirondack region. The network will also provide a base for broadband access throughout the region into the future.
The project is sponsored by the SUNY Research Foundation and will utilize funds from the Federal Communications Commission. The project is expected to be finished by the end of July 2012.