Wyoming moves forward on health information exchange

Wyoming will move forward on its electronic health records exchange. The state’s plan was approved by the federal government, which will provide $4.3 million in funding for the project over the next four years. Wyoming’s health information exchange was developed through a collaboration of consumers and health care providers in the state.

This public-private collaboration has been incorporated as Wyoming e-Health Partnership Inc. Initial members of the organization’s governing board represent the state’s two largest hospitals, Wyoming Medical Center and Cheyenne Regional Medical Center, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming, the Wyoming Medical Society and the State Health Information Technology coordinator, Wendy Curran. Curran is currently a member of Governor Mead’s staff.

The goals of the exchange are to provide patients across the state easier access to medical records in case of an emergency, greater privacy and reduced duplication of tests and procedures.

“Technology and broadband connectivity are great equalizers in a rural state like Wyoming,” Governor Mead says. “They create efficiencies that will save money, provide better health care and in this case also assure patient safety.” The use of technology in health care and expanded statewide connectivity overall are priorities for Governor Mead’s administration.