Over 98% of Massachusetts residents have health insurance according to an announcement from the Governor of Massachusetts. According to the state’s annual household survey on health insurance, released by the Division of Health Care Finance and Policy, only 1.9 percent of state residents remain uninsured and nearly every major demographic group is within a few percentage points of universal coverage.
The survey which highlights this data – Health Insurance Coverage in Massachusetts: Results from the 2008 – 2010 Massachusetts Health Insurance Surveys, shows that 120,000 people in Massachusetts did not have coverage at the time of the survey, conducted between March and June 2010. The survey results also show that 99% of the elderly and children are insured, as are 97% of non-elderly adults ages 19 to 64.
This data gives Massachusetts the lowest rate of uninsured people in the country and shows that the state is on pace to meet the goals outlined in its health care reform legislation.
In addition to getting people covered, the state is focused on lowering rising health care costs. Earlier this year, the Governor proposed a series of initiatives that led to lower premiums for small businesses and were later included in the small business health care cost bill.
“Health care reform is working in Massachusetts,” said Governor Deval Patrick. “Just as we lead the Nation on coverage, we will lead the Nation to new ways to control costs for small businesses and working families.”
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