Mississippi has launched a new website – “Broadband for Mississippi” which provides citizens with a tool that shows the availability of broadband access statewide. The site is part of the state’s effort to increase broadband access.
The site provides visitors with information about how broadband can impact their community. It also highlights state initiatives to improve access and test the speeds of their current service.
Broadband For Mississippi is part of a more than $7 million effort to evaluate and enhance the availability of broadband technology statewide. The program, which is managed by the Mississippi Broadband Task Force, is funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
According to the new website, the state has a strategy to provide information and access designed to help more citizens get online. In September of this year the state received additional funds to create the Mississippi Broadband Connect Coalition, a non-profit public-private partnership which will create and execute on this strategy. This strategy will move forward in 2011 through a partnership with Mississippi State University Extension Service.
“Expanding Internet access through the latest and fastest technologies is critical to the state’s economic development, education and health care sectors,” Gov. Haley Barbour said. “This site will be another way for Mississippians to learn about broadband technology and how it can help their lives.”