Florida launches new website targeting rural economic development

Florida has launched a new website designed to help the state’s rural communities attract more economic development. The website will be managed by the Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI), coordinated by the Governor’s Office of Tourism, Trade and Economic Development. Visitors to the site will find information about economic development incentives and programs focused on rural communities.

The website will be divided into program pages which include requirements and contact information for residents and businesses interested in getting involved. Since 1999, the State of Florida has awarded more than $150 million in economic development incentives and infrastructure improvement grants for projects in rural counties. REDI will also be including information on applicable federal funding programs.

Visitors will also be able to access information about the state’s disaster preparedness and recovery plans through the website, as the state continues to recover from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Recovery and planning program information for rural areas that have been subject to extraordinary economic circumstances is also available.

“For more than a decade now, the State of Florida has awarded funds to rural communities resulting in the creation of more than 14,000 jobs,” said Governor Crist. “This Web site will give rural communities a portal to resources available at the state and federal levels, which will in turn make it easier for rural businesses and communities to create jobs and make capital investments in their regions.”