Tyler Tech lands $8M property assessment contract

Allegheny County, Pennsylvania and Tyler Technologies have agreed to a $8.2 million deal for 2012 reassessment services, the company announced last week. Pennsylvania’s second largest county will upgrade their current Tyler software with GIS integration and hand-held devices for county workers.

Allegheny’s property assessment process has made headlines in the recent past, and in 2009 it was the subject of a state Supreme Court case. Pennsylvania does not require a statewide assessment of commercial and residential real properties and Allegheny had not updated its values since 2002. The state court ordered the county to reassess its property values, but it did not order neighboring counties to do the same in a statewide assessment, drawing fire from local news outlets.

Since then the county has been moving fast to do a comprehensive reassessment. The county has been divided into four quadrants and hundreds of neighborhoods for the reassessment and county manager Jim Flynn has indicated that those quadrants are about 60 percent filled with about 20 percent of the county having been assessed. The project is scheduled for completion around the third quarter of 2011 when all 571,000 residential and commercial properties receive updated assessments.

Allegheny already uses Tyler iasWorld property assessment and taxation software, but the new solution will help assessors in the field with hand-held devices and a GIS component meant to enhance workflow operations, company officials said.

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