Vermont State Parks launches innovation challenge

The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) and Governor Jim Douglas announced a new initiative offering Vermont companies the chance to show their newest renewable energy and energy conservation products in the Vermont State Park system.

The initiative, called the Vermont State Parks Innovation Challenge will allow Vermont’s energy companies to show their products to park visitors. The announcement was made at Sunward solar manufacturing facility in Winooski, Vt. Sunward will be the first innovation challenge partner, donating two collector, ground-mounted solar hot water systems.

“As you well know, Vermont is on the forefront of the green economy and a leader in the pursuit of 21st century solutions that grow the economy and create good jobs,” said Governor Jim Douglas. “Vermont has always been a home for innovation. This initiative continues that tradition.”

According to the state, companies that choose to partner will have a variety of opportunities for in-park branding, demonstrations and passive access to the park’s visitors. Partners will also be able to use the parks for video and photography relating to product branding and demonstration.

The Department of Forest, Parks and Recreation will be responsible for managing and accepting applicants for the innovation challenge.

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