The Web 2.0 Expo New York officially started Monday, and the twice-annual conference promises a host of new products and designs focused on doing more with less. This year’s mantra is “The Power of Less” and nowhere is that concept more important than in the public sector.
The O’Reilly Media, Inc. and TechWeb-sponsored event will span Nov. 16 through Nov. 19 at New York City’s Javits Center. The expo will cover a range of topics including social media, design, analytics, mobile and Government 2.0. The conference also promises to take the current economic downturn to refocus the public and private sector services delivery model on “what matters.” In a recent article, Web 2.0 Expo co-chairs, Jennifer Pahlka and Brady Forrest said:
“Practicing the art of less, whether it’s agile development, minimalist business plans or spare graphic design, has had a momentum all its own during the rise of Web 2.0. But the art of less got a significant boost since economic conditions deteriorated, and less became the one thing we all had plenty of.”
Over the course of the next few days CivSource will be attending sessions and interviewing leaders from around the country who have leveraged these ideas to help build stronger, smarter government. From economic development, to public health and emergency communications, government is moving forward with technologies usually reserved for the consumer in a way that has not been seen before. Using opensource software platforms, open data catalogs and social media tools, government is becoming more responsive and more accountable to their constituents.
If you are attending Web 2.0 Expo New York, feel free to say hello to our editor Jeff Smith (@jefferyrlsmith) or if you are a vendor, please contact civsource (at) civsourceonline (dot) com with story ideas about how your product can be used to help make a better public sector.
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