N.J. entrepreneurs, academics innovate with new Patent Bank

The state of New Jersey launched a new Web portal last week, designed to spur innovation and foster technology transfer between the state’s academic and business communities. Called the New Jersey Patent Bank, Governor Jon S. Corzine and Jerry Zaro, chief of the Governor’s Office of Economic Growth, said the tool would foster the kind of innovation to keep New Jersey relevant in the global economy.

“The Patent Bank gives users access to the wealth of cutting-edge research available all over the state, particularly in our academic and research institutions.  This is the exactly the type of innovation we must encourage to remain competitive in the global economy,” Gov. Corzine said in a statement.

The New Jersey Patent Bank is a clearinghouse for technologies patented in the state. Users can post licensed or unlicensed patent information to market their intellectual property, as well as search for patents that match individual or business needs. The searchable Web portal scans the over fifty state institutions of higher education, New Jersey companies and individuals.

Every month, the Patent Bank will highlight some of the great innovations posted on the Web portal, the first of which outlines of the all-time great inventors, Thomas Alva Edison who did most of his work in Newark, Menlo Park and West Orange.

Mr. Zaro called the new online tool a “win-win” for the state’s inventors and universities. Meanwhile, Dr. Peter R. Reczek, Executive Director of the New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology called it “necessary to foster technology business development…”

Created in collaboration with the Governor’s Office of Economic Growth, the State of New Jersey’s Office of Information Technology, the Commission on Higher Education and the Commission on Science & Technology, the Patent Bank can be reached by clicking here.

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