In June of this year, New York State’s Office for Technology jumped into the arena of social media and Web 2.0 technologies with the launch of Empire 2.0. Along with all the usual suspects, OFT integrated their communication efforts with Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Also part of the initiative, the state’s Chief Information Officer, Dr. Melodie Mayberry-Stewart, announced a web portal called New York State Tech Talk.
“We believe the interactivity and personalization associated with next generation technology like social media networking and Web 2.0 tools will enable state agencies to bring communications to a new level,” Dr. Mayberry-Stewart said in a statement. “We must meet the needs of millions of people who spend their time on social media sites with personalized, interactive tools they have come to expect to get instantaneous information and to engage in our democracy.”
Last week, Deputy CIO of Enterprise Strategy & Governance Services for OFT, Rico Singleton, released a memo regarding Empire 2.0’s Wiki Policy page. “With the launch of New York State’s own Empire 2.0 strategy, two-way communications between government agencies and citizens promise to make government more efficient, transparent and responsive,” the memo stated. “CIO/OFT is using a Wiki Policy page to promote government participation, increase collaboration and expand the state’s ability to share information with social media users.”
Draft policies concerning Acceptable Use of Information Technology Assets, and Accessibility of Web-based Information and Applications have been revised and are available for thirty days for review, comment, and editing by those who wish to do so.
“We encourage your participation in the use of this Web 2.0 technology to help us create an effective, reasonable and sensible statewide policies,” the memo concludes.
To check out the revamped OFT website, click here.
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