Host of local governments receive certificates for performance mangement

The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) recognized fifty-two local governments this week for their performance measurement and management practices.

Through the organization’s Center for Performance Measurement (CPM) they look to promote effective and efficient public services with the collection, analysis and application of performance information. CPM currently works with over 200 towns, cities and counties and local government entities across the United States.

“The certificate program is one of the pillars of CPM,” Michael Lawson, director of CPM, said in a statement. “The criteria on which the certificates are based serve as a checklist of effective, results-oriented management practices.”

CPM officials awarded three tiers of certificates for Achievement, Distinction, and Excellence.

Twenty municipalities received Certificates of Achievement, including Arlington, Texas, Leawood, Kansas, Tacoma, Washington, and San Diego, California. These certificate were issued based on the level of reporting performance data to the public, either through budgets, newsletters, or information provided to elected officials. Other considerations for the Certificates of Achievement included staff training in the principles of performance measurement and verification efforts to ensure corresponding data reliability.

Eighteen local governments were recognized with Certificates of Distinction, which meant they met all criteria for Achievement, but also used performance data in strategic planning and management decision-making. Recipients of the Distinction category also sought to actively share performance measurement knowledge with other local governments. The cities of Eugene, Oregon, Fort Collins, Colorado, and San Francisco were among those with Certificates of Distinction.

To receive CMP’s top honor, the Certificate of Excellence, local governments must meet all prior criteria as well as display a commitment to tracking and reporting to the public key outcome measures, surveying residents and local government employees for feedback, and communicate results via public-focused and timely reports such as performance dashboards. Only fourteen towns and cities across the US received the Certificate of Excellence.

“Through our certificate program, local governments are recognized for their exceptional commitment to continuous learning and improvement,” Mr. Lawson said.

For a list of those winners and a complete list of other local government winners, click here.

Additional information about ICMA can be found at